
Linux Software

  • Call Book Log 3.0    -:: DOWNLOAD ::-

    A ham radio logging solution. Built on mysql/maria db and php, it allows you to host a log on a web server and have easy access to viewing editing deleting backing up and restoring the log. Allows everyone to view the log and a central admisitrative section which when logged into allows you to add and edit and remove entries. It features an easy to setup page, run the setup page and enter the required values and your set to start logging. It is primarily mobile friendly, easy on bandwidth and should work well in any browser. If entering a contact that you have worked before it will show the last 5 dates and times of that station. Although tested well I am always making changes soo stay tuned for tweaks and additions to features.

    Make sure you have already set up:
    Then run the

    3.0 - Not a total rewrite but a big code change to make things better and faster. Changed the way pagination worked, and things have been made more *visually appealing*. Made the menu better with icons and viewing in general with color changing rows and css styling. For the addlog page I have added a link to update the time with a click. I noticed after some use when you add a contact you get put back to the add page again. Which loads the current time but you may not need to add a contact right away. As many of you know I am not a visual artist. And I am not a front end person, more of a back end programmer if I can be called a programmer at all. But after the many downloads and emails I have gotten I did my best in making the software not only functional but also visually better to interact wirh. I hope you enjoy the new addition enjoyable and appreciate any feedback.

    REQUIREMENTS: With this version and all others from now on you will be required to use PHP version 7 or greater. As well as any web server that supports php, and a mysql or a mysql compatible (mariadb) database server. Extract the compressed file and move the folder to your webroot, and access the setup.php page. Follow the prompts and you should be good to go. If you are upgrading you meerly need to over write the current setup and making sure you edit both the login and dbconnect files to suit your current setup. If you have < 7.0 php choose the 2.1 version for your setup.

    2.1 - Fixed a bug in automatic UTC date. I accidentally was using date not utc date which may have been an issue in some instances when your adding contacts where the UTC date is the following day and not the current one in your QTH. Current installs only need to extract the tar.gz and replace their "addlog.php" and "search.php".

    2.0 - full rewrite while maintaining current installs. Fixed a lot of quirks in browsers and streamlined the searching portion of the software

    1.0 - first stable release. Worked but was rough around the edges

  • Call Book Log 2.1    -:: DOWNLOAD ::-

    A ham radio logging solution. Built on mysql/maria db and php, it allows you to host a log on a web server and have easy access to viewing editing deleting backing up and restoring the log. Allows everyone to view the log and a central admisitrative section which when logged into allows you to add and edit and remove entries. It features an easy to setup page, run the setup page and enter the required values and your set to start logging. It is primarily mobile friendly, easy on bandwidth and should work well in any browser. If entering a contact that you have worked before it will show the last 5 dates and times of that station. Although tested well I am always making changes soo stay tuned for tweaks and additions to features.

    2.1 - Fixed a bug in automatic UTC date. I accidentally was using date not utc date which may have been an issue in some instances when your adding contacts where the UTC date is the following day and not the current one in your QTH. Current installs only need to extract the tar.gz and replace their "addlog.php" and "search.php".

    2.0 - full rewrite while maintaining current installs. Fixed a lot of quirks in browsers and streamlined the searching portion of the software

    1.0 - first stable release. Worked but was rough around the edges

  • 1/4 Wave antenna with ground plane    -:: DOWNLOAD ::-

    Another little application written to help aid in vertical antenna construction. Enter the freqency in Mhz and click calculate it will give you the length for the radiating element as well as the ground plane elements. Ideally for radials you should have them sloped downward at a 45 degree angle to help provide a better match. As with all gambas programs they need the gambas runtime to work wich is a simple install from any major distribution

  • Loop Antenna Calculator    -:: DOWNLOAD ::-

    After trying out a friend 144Mhz loop and finding out how neat they operate I made my own. To help in the construction of loops I made this program. Enter in the frequency and velocity factor of the 75 Ohm coax you will be using then hit calculate.

    You might want to look at my Coax Cable Chart under the ham radio section of the site for information on the velocity factors of your coax cable if you do not know yours.

  • DiPole and Inverted V Calculator    -:: DOWNLOAD ::-

    Enter the frequency in Mhz and hit calculate, thats it. It gives you the measurements for a dipole and inverted V antenna, with a small benefit of a picture showing both designs. Always handy if your like me constantly making up antennas and your math skills lack at times

  • Ham Radio Text Based Logger    -:: DOWNLOAD ::-

    Trying to get more experience in different scripting and programming I got pushed towards doign the text based ham radio logging program due to the fact gambas isnt ported to the x64 processor yet so the graphical ham radio logging program wont run on my laptop.

    Solution build a new one!. I have made using bash scriptign a text based logger that does essentially everything the graphical one does, except in a text based format.

    Everything you need is built into every linux distribution except for the links web browser which is used to view the help and do call sign lookups

Windows Software

  • Call Book Log 3.0    -:: DOWNLOAD ::-

    A ham radio logging solution. Built on mysql/maria db and php, it allows you to host a log on a web server and have easy access to viewing editing deleting backing up and restoring the log. Allows everyone to view the log and a central admisitrative section which when logged into allows you to add and edit and remove entries. It features an easy to setup page, run the setup page and enter the required values and your set to start logging. It is primarily mobile friendly, easy on bandwidth and should work well in any browser. If entering a contact that you have worked before it will show the last 5 dates and times of that station. Although tested well I am always making changes soo stay tuned for tweaks and additions to features.

    3.0 - Not a total rewrite but a big code change to make things better and faster. Changed the way pagination worked, and things have been made more *visually appealing*. Made the menu better with icons and viewing in general with color changing rows and css styling. For the addlog page I have added a link to update the time with a click. I noticed after some use when you add a contact you get put back to the add page again. Which loads the current time but you may not need to add a contact right away. As many of you know I am not a visual artist. And I am not a front end person, more of a back end programmer if I can be called a programmer at all. But after the many downloads and emails I have gotten I did my best in making the software not only functional but also visually better to interact wirh. I hope you enjoy the new addition enjoyable and appreciate any feedback.

    REQUIREMENTS: With this version and all others from now on you will be required to use PHP version 7 or greater. As well as any web server that supports php, and a mysql or a mysql compatible (mariadb) database server. Extract the compressed file and move the folder to your webroot, and access the setup.php page. Follow the prompts and you should be good to go. If you are upgrading you meerly need to over write the current setup and making sure you edit both the login and dbconnect files to suit your current setup. If you have < 7.0 php choose the 2.1 version for your setup.

    2.1 - Fixed a bug in automatic UTC date. I accidentally was using date not utc date which may have been an issue in some instances when your adding contacts where the UTC date is the following day and not the current one in your QTH. Current installs only need to extract the tar.gz and replace their "addlog.php" and "search.php".

    2.0 - full rewrite while maintaining current installs. Fixed a lot of quirks in browsers and streamlined the searching portion of the software

    1.0 - first stable release. Worked but was rough around the edges

  • Call Book Log 2.0    -:: DOWNLOAD ::-

    A ham radio logging solution. Built on mysql/maria db and php, it allows you to host a log on a web server and have easy access to viewing editing deleting backing up and restoring the log. Allows everyone to view the log and a central admisitrative section which when logged into allows you to add and edit and remove entries. It features an easy to setup page, run the setup page and enter the required values and your set to start logging. It is primarily mobile friendly, easy on bandwidth and should work well in any browser. If entering a contact that you have worked before it will show the last 5 dates and times of that station. Although tested well I am always making changes soo stay tuned for tweaks and additions to features.

  • Ham Radio Prefix Lookup    -:: DOWNLOAD ::-

    To make it easier to find out where a contact might be you can do a lookup of it. Type in any prefix of a callsign any the country and any subsequent information will be displayed. Same goes for country, enter an country and any callsign information will be displayed as well. Also has the capability of entering your own information for items in case I missed any prefixes. In case I did please email me so I can distribute a newer database of prefixes for everyone

  • VO1PWF Ham Radio Logger 2.0    -:: DOWNLOAD ::-

    Small enough to be compact large enough to have the features you need. Presenting logger 2.0. Nothing fany nothing elaborate. Tested on windows 2000, xp, xp64, and vista. The program should work fine on windows 98 and up.

    Accepts input for callsign, frequency, mode, date, time, rst, notes, qsl received and sent. Allows searching, find next, updating, adding, deleting, Help is included built in, built in back up, restore, compact & repair. Also has callsign lookup for information, can export full log to CVS and tab files as well as excel spreadsheet. Cut copy paste and undo are all standard now as is better printing support.

  • 1/4 Wave Antenna Calculator    -:: DOWNLOAD ::-

    This program helps in the constuction details of building a 1/4 wave antenna with ground place - radials. Enter the frequency in Mhz and hit calculate to get the resulting lengths of the radiating element and the length of the radials

  • Dipole Inverted V Calculator    -:: DOWNLOAD ::-

    A dipole and inverted V dipole calculator. Enter the frequency in Mhz and hit calculate to get the resulting lengths of the complete dipole and each leg, both for the normal dipole and the inverted V type

  • Loop Calculator    -:: DOWNLOAD ::-

    Loops are amazing antennas and are very very quiet for receiving. They do null off signals on either side and give a low radiation pattern off each end. Although loops are used more so for receiving than transmitting this design takes into account both. Enter the frequency and velocity factor of the 75Ohm cable to be used and hit calculate. It will spit out the results of how long the circumference of the loop should be as well as the length of 75 Ohm cable. Its very important to know the velocity factor of the 75 Ohm cable without it the matching section will not come out properly and trying to get a good 50 Ohm match into the antenna will be more difficult.

    BR> Creating a multi-element antenna from this should be simple. Take the circumference of the radiating element and multiply by 5 percent. Vary the length from the radiating element to give the front to back ratio your looking for. However make sure before you attempt to add a reflector to have the loop perfectly tuned.

    BR> You might want to download my Coax Cable Chart to go by for information on the velocity factors of your coax cable if you do not know yours

  • Morse Code Tutor    -:: DOWNLOAD ::-

    While going for my amateur radio exam I was looking for software to help me learn morse code. After looking at open source and freeware application and being unsatisified I gave up got fed up and coded for 2 hours to perfect my own morse code tutor. Type in any amount of words in the text box and it will send it back to you in morse code.

    There is only one thing I must note: The help menu shows the help url as and an old email, which was the host I had at the time, I was to lazy to change it since. Not a huge inconvience I dont think. If you find it useful please let me know. If time I am hoping to have the same program redone and ported to linux as well